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I'm not sure if anyone wants to know, or cares for that matter, but I'm just getting it out there - Someone needs to...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Got a lot to get out there this morning...

The first thing, on a personal note - I am concerned that my few years of opiate abuse has costs me something very dearly...My memory.  It's really starting to, dare I say, scare me!  Of course, if you follow me, you would know a little about my history.  United States Army.  Baltimore City Fire Service.  There's not a lot that would scare me, but I have been noticing for a while now, that I am suffering from memory loss.  At first, I dismissed this as Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms in conjunction with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  I have all but eliminated a few disorders.  Damn, knowing enough medicine to be!  Anyways,  as the best I can figure at this point, it is NOT PAWS.  PTSD, perhaps, but unlikely.  Medications, possible.  Early onset Altzheimers - need to rule out.  I need someone with a medical background to run through a differential diagnoses with me.  As this memory loss is beginning to impact my quality of life.  Right now - More questions than answers.

Secondly - A 6 year old FIREFIGHTER saves his family!!!          I find it sad that a 6 year old is a true HERO, and I have seen adults on MANY occasions do far less than what this little man did.  He is truly a HERO - from one firefighter to another.  And yes, he is a firefighter for saving lives like he did.  Firefighters do A LOT more than lead off, hook up to a plug, and take that attack line into where the Devil dances and never dropping or setting down that pipe!!!           I think I speak for my fellow brothers and sisters when I say that he has EARNED a lot of respect, and hope that one day, this HERO will continue to make us proud by getting on that pumper, truck, rescue, or medic and carrying on not only a proud tradition, but perhaps dedicating his future career to selfless service.

Thirdly, what in the Hell, what the famous Paul Harvey would say: is "...the rest of the story..."     Is this girl mentally handicapped?  Are the parents of this girl even remotely aware of what is going on in this child's life?  Is this school system really that dysfunctional?  A little bit of all three? Or is it something more than that?  I am assuming that since you are reading this, you have been at least a little educated, so you decide... I just thought that this story was completely FUBAR.

And...  Last, but most certainly not least - Congratulations to my brother, and his colleagues as well, on a successful chase day yesterday.  Y'all be safe, and go kick some supercell ass!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day, and obviously - there will be more to come...

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