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Monday, May 21, 2012

The news -  From my point of view...

Why are we paying the former Soviet Union approximately $60 Million dollars (per seat) to put an American astronaut in space?  I am all for OUR space program, but I DO NOT agree that we as Americans, should be contracting out our space program - either SPACE X or Russia!

Even if us Americans decided to not hitchhike to space, it'll take a solid 10-20 years to develop another space craft, like our beloved shuttles.

And to all the folks who are for contracting out our space program - It may very well be cheaper.  It may very well be easier.  But what is your pride worth?  What is your childrens' pride worth?  America needs NASA.  Not only for exploration, but for education and the discovery of new technologies as well.  Oh...What's that?  You say you're pro-American?  How about the fact that SPACEX has multiple contracts with other "non-American" governments.  The will not disclose what countries.  China?  Russia?  North Korea?  Iran?  You say none of them - I say PROVE IT.

Oh yeah...  I forgot to mention...  The US taxpayers have a very high stake in this commercial venture.  Dare I say "Solyndra"???

Politics aside - Would you, as a pro-American, rather have a space program, or an "Obama" phone with 250 free minutes a month?  Oh, and by the way...  Those cell phones ARE MADE OVERSEAS.

I really feel bad for my children.  Hell, I'll be 31 next week, and I see the wonderful country, which my brother and myself have defended, in a dramatic downward spiral... God, I feel bad for my children.

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